Learning to Live



Unit 10


Learning Focus

Opening doors to learning and working in Europe – Each partner to offer links to resources in host country language https://europass.cedefop.europa.eu/

New ways to introduce yourself: creative CVs https://campusvirtual.urv.cat/course/view.php?id=28712&section=3&lang=ca ( In Spanish)

What’s an e-portfolio?

How to create a portfolio using google sites:

Tasks: Create your CV & cover letter Create your e-portfolio


Student Resources

Preparing a CV

Summarising personal and professional information


Student Tasks

Showing engaging personal and professional information through communicative behaviour appropriate to the context

Unit 9


Learning Focus

Watch the videos: Copyright & Open Education Resources http://whyopenedmatters.org/videos/index.html

Creative Commons video & Worksheet https://tinyurl.com/y4fop4av

Task: Use a selection of the search tools and repositories from:

OER Search sites


https://rdmc.nottingham.ac.uk/handle/internal/79 (Uni of Nottingham)

https://www.openeducationeuropa.eu/ in EU Languages

Open University UK

Select 2 OERs:

TOPIC A – related to your academic studies.

TOPIC B – related to a subject you would like to learn more about yourself

Add your findings to the padlet page on the VLE Overview to be posted to https://padlet.com/


Student Resources

Research skills

Evaluating & justifying Digital literacy skills


  • Open Educational Resources
  • Copyright IPP
  • Hedging for academic work

Student Tasks

Evaluating accuracy of websites- ie world news to stay in touch with home news https://www.facebook.com/

Twitter & Facebook to contact family & friends

Twitter https://twitter.com

Unit 8


Learning Focus

PPT presentation + voiceover (Univ of Bradford resource)

Task: Try 5 free online dictionaries i.e. https://en.oxforddictionaries.com/ vote for favourite via online survey i.e. https://www.surveymonkey.com/

Task: Create a glossary (1) of useful terms in your field of study or research


Student Resources

Academic versus informal language

Create glossary of term


Student Tasks

Free glossary creation tool of useful terms in everyday use causing difficulties Microsoft WORD or EXCEL

Task: Create a glossary (2)of useful terms or expressions from daily life that you find difficult to understand or learn (resource available in VLE)

Unit 7


Learning Focus

Essay structure/Paragraph structure https://tinyurl.com/y3phsmd5

Use of paraphrasing/ summarising/ synthesis Students go to http://www.uefap.com/writing/writframrep.htm

Task: Formal emails to supervisor/ professor video input https://www.english-at-home.com/business/how-to-write-an-email/ Students write formal email to academic tutor

Peer editing via WORD Track changes / Google docs to create final version to upload to VLE


Student Resources

Paraphrasing, Summarising, Synthesis

Formal emails


Student Tasks

Writing a semi-formal email (i.e. to excuse sick child from school) Samples in VLE

Unit 6


Learning Focus

Video on types of sources for research

Referencing help https://www.bradford.ac.uk/library/find-out-about/referencing/referencing/?rdr

Referencing Tool Guide https://www.mendeley.com/guides/videos

Task: Students use range of search terms to find academic texts and to create a short annotated bibliography https://tinyurl.com/y95bqxf9


Student Resources

Annotated bibliography Referencing

BOOLEAN searches


Student Tasks

Expand the list of useful resources for vulnerable migrant students from Unit 2

Task: Complete the grid of shared information about useful resources to establish and live in the host country, and lodge it in https://docs.google.com/document/u/0/

Unit 5


Learning Focus

Different types of reading skills required at University http://www.uefap.com/reading/readframstrat.htm Relevant articles chosen by each partner country to develop critical reading skills of scientific articles: http://www.redcaspe.org/ https://casp-uk.net/

Links to reliable scientific databases




Task: Collect and collate relevant articles from online or library databases and save to https://www.scoop.it/ personal or group resource to be created


Student Resources

Reading to predict


Scanning Reading for information


Student Tasks

Reading school letters/ medical forms/ understanding abbreviations (Mr/ Mrs/Ms) etc

Sample forms to be available on VLE

Unit 4


Learning Focus

TED talks/university recorded guest lectures/Vlogs.

Students complete signposting language activities i.e. https://www.ieltsbuddy.com/signposting-language.html

For overview of methods note taking methods see https://blog.labster.com/note-taking-methods to start taking notes.

(HE students in Spain) explain their research in monologues) for note taking skills training http://www.comciencia.urv.cat/ca/setmana-de-la-ciencia/ciencia-al-teatre/

Task: Students Listen to lecture/Choose appropriate note taking method + use to take notes. Post opinion of notetaking method to Discussion Board https://www.audacityteam.org/


Student Resources

Listening to a lecture

Note taking skills

Summarising a talk


Student Tasks

Identify useful local listening app for mobile (local news/ University bulletin via audio?)

Record brief overview of event in recent past/near future and upload to chatroom https://www.audacityteam.org/ (self-access tense resources)

Unit 3


Learning Focus

Watch video of successful/unsuccessful group discussion + complete worksheet. I.e.

Task: Create a podcast with (an)other student(s)to discuss the challenges of studying in your host country https://soundcloud.com/

Upload to online discussion area.

Others respond with advice on how best to manage challenges


Student Resources

Participating in discussions Identifying challenges to studying in host country – identifying possible solutions.


Student Tasks

Sample conversations outlining potential social/family/household problems/solutions.

Students could create video scenarios filmed on their mobile phone asking questions and others could respond with advice/support: upload to chatroom.

Partner countries add relevant local language resources:

To learn Spanish:



To learn Catalan:


Unit 2


Learning Focus

Students watch video below to gain insights.


Student Resources


Language of advice/expectation

Agreeing/disagreeing politely


Student Tasks

Create a grid of shared information about useful resources to establish and live in the host country, and lodge it in https://docs.google.com/document/u/0/

Link to self-access grammar practice on Modal Verbs (should, may/might, can etc) ( each institution provides relevant resources)

Unit 1

Unit 1

The learning focus of this unit includes

Internet Etiquette

Internet Etiquette is quite a recent concept. As more and more people have access to this useful service, it has become standard to adopt a certain behaviour pattern in order to promote harmony among users.
Learn more here:

Task for Internet Etiquette

create a collaborative wiki resenting group rules for online behaviour or any free wiki tool i.e. 


( *Finland to use Helsinki Blog) 

Use advice language

Language of Advice

Language of advice refers to the word structure adopted when offering help

(I think we should…If I were you, I’d… Why don’t we…) 

Learn more about it here: https://eslgold.com/speaking/asking_giving_advice/ 

Language of Advice

Discussion Board within VLE– What are the most important rules of netiquette for this group? Post your thoughts ( maximum 50 words- respond to two other postings)

Use advice language


Learning Focus

Managing online identity

Giving personal information

How to stay safe online

Students watch video https://securingtomorrow.mcafee.com/consumer/consumer-threat-notices/10-tips-stay-safe-online/ 

Task: Create a poster to show best practice staying safe online using Glogster http://edu.glogster.com/?ref=com


Student Resources

Finding your way around university website. Introducing yourself Checking your digital footprint https://twitter.com



Student Tasks

Introduce yourself by means of a small personal description of 2 or 3 lines and post it in the social forum of the course.

Check out your digital footprint

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