Learning to Live

Unit 4


Learning Focus

TED talks/university recorded guest lectures/Vlogs.

Students complete signposting language activities i.e. https://www.ieltsbuddy.com/signposting-language.html

For overview of methods note taking methods see https://blog.labster.com/note-taking-methods to start taking notes.

(HE students in Spain) explain their research in monologues) for note taking skills training http://www.comciencia.urv.cat/ca/setmana-de-la-ciencia/ciencia-al-teatre/

Task: Students Listen to lecture/Choose appropriate note taking method + use to take notes. Post opinion of notetaking method to Discussion Board https://www.audacityteam.org/


Student Resources

Listening to a lecture

Note taking skills

Summarising a talk


Student Tasks

Identify useful local listening app for mobile (local news/ University bulletin via audio?)

Record brief overview of event in recent past/near future and upload to chatroom https://www.audacityteam.org/ (self-access tense resources)

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