University of Sanctuary
Sanctuary Scholarships
In January 2018, UCC was granted University of Sanctuary stauts. “UCC’s Sanctuary Status is a marker not just of what has been achieved in UCC, but an indicator of the need for sustained and creative work to support asylum seekers and refugees locally and internationally, according to UCC’s (then) Senior Vice President, Professor Caroline Fennell.”
Click here to learn more about the Sanctuary Scholarships offered
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Unit
The Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Unit in University College Cork was established in 2017.
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion have been a core focus of teaching, research and policy activity for a wide range of UCC staff and students for decades.
Some of their objectives include
- Work in conjunction with the Deputy President and Registrar and Director of Human Resources to take responsibility for setting EDI strategic objectives, developing policy and delivering KPIs.
- Work collaboratively with colleagues on strategic objectives across the organisation to increase participation of all parts of the University and develop robust knowledge sharing mechanisms to ensure the University management team and colleagues are briefed and the principles of equality, diversity and inclusion are embedded and inform every aspect of the University’s work
- Lead and oversee the University’s Athena SWAN award and other national initiatives and provide effective management and support of various University committees and groups.
- Support staff to demonstrate their commitment to EDI.
- Raise awareness amongst all staff to fulfil their responsibilities to comply with UCC’s regulations, policies and procedures.
Learn more about EDI by clicking on me!
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